Request Our Catalog

Thanks for your interest in Jed's Maple Products! If you'd like us to send you a free, full-color catalog, please fill out the request form below.

In an effort to help the environment (and save a few trees!) we only send our catalog out one time per year, in the fall. Please note that our Online Shop always has our most up to date offerings/specials. Thank you!

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*)

Jed’s Maple

259 Derby Pond Road
Derby, VT 05829
(802) 766-2700 (local)
(866) 4PUREVT (toll free)

Gift Shop Hours

January -February
Mon-Fri 8am - 4:30pm
Sat-Sun Closed
March - December
Mon-Fri 8am - 4:30pm
Sat 10am - 4pm
Sun Closed